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About Us

Next property bali

About Next Property Bali

Next Property Bali (PT. Global Nusa Properti) is a company engaged in the business of property marketing intermediary services or often referred to as a property agent or real estate broker in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.

We have been established since 2012 and continue to provide services to the community and consumers, property users and investors from within and outside the country.

Our team consists of local people who have experience, were born and raised on the island of Bali so that we can understand and understand the character of land and property owners well on the island of Bali.

We always strive to provide the best service for all clients and bring together what they need according to their respective abilities and segments. Don’t hesitate to use our services as partners in achieving your goals and aiming for realize your dream project in Bali.

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Member of DPD AREBI Bali

Next Property Bali is a member of DPD AREBI Bali (Association of Indonesian real estate brokers), Mr. Wayan Sukarja is one of the Founders of the founding of DPD AREBI Bali with several other colleagues in 2013.

As a member of Next Property Bali, you are always actively participating in various organizational activities and of course in running a business and property agent business in Bali.

AREBI is an organizational forum for all property agent companies in Bali who are committed to running the property agent business in a professional and responsible manner.

LSP arebi

Professional certification body under BNSP

Next Property Bali (PT. Global Nusa Properti) has also included its staff and agents to take part in the competence and certification organized by the BNSP (National Agency for Professional Certification) of the Republic of Indonesia.

BNSP through LSP Broker Property AREBI is tasked with organizing training activities and property broker training to increase knowledge, insight and skills according to competency standards that apply nationally.

Sertifikasi profesi broker

Certification and competency training

Next Property Bali requires staff and agents to attend seminars and training related to the property agent profession so that they are always updated on the latest developments regarding the property business in Indonesia.

The leadership and staff of Next Property Bali have attended the Property Broker (BP) certification training and Management Broker Property (MBP) certification training organized by LSP AREBI under the auspices of the BNSP (national professional certification body).

We are committed to providing the best and professional service
